亚美体育入口shanghai fengzhi instrument co,.ltd


作者:上海路阳 时间:2024-05-31 10:45:34浏览517 次




我们的皮肤经常暴露在蓝光(blue light)下,阳光中含有大量的蓝光,现在的计算机、平板电脑以及手机等数字设备也能发出很强的蓝光。长时间接触蓝光(blue light)会导致氧化应激引起的损伤和皮肤色素沉着。实验证明tocotrienol-rich fraction (TRF)作为一种保护性天然成分的潜力,通过其抗氧化和抗黑色素生成特性对抗BL诱导的皮肤损伤和色素沉着过度。

Our skin is constantly exposed to blue light (BL), which is abundant in sunlight and emitted by digital devices. Prolonged exposure to BL can lead to oxidative stress-induced damages and skin hyperpigmentation. These findings demonstrate the potential of TRF as a protective natural ingredient that acts against BL-induced skin damages and hyperpigmentation via its anti-oxidative and anti-melanogenic properties.

蓝光比紫外线更深入地穿透皮肤,穿过表皮到达。近的研究表明,长时间暴露在蓝光下会导致皮肤老化,包括皱纹和紧致度下降。它还与活性氧 (ROS) 的产生有关,这可能导致氧化应激、炎症和色素沉着问题,例如黄褐斑.由于普通人中的大部分时间都在数字设备前度过,因此对蓝光对皮肤健康影响的担忧比以往任何时候都更加重要。

Blue light penetrates the skin more deeply than UV rays, reaching past the epidermis to the dermis. Recent studies have suggested that prolonged exposure to blue light can contribute to skin aging, including wrinkles and loss of firmness. It's also linked to the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can lead to oxidative stress, inflammation, and pigmentation issues, such as melasma. With the average individual spending a significant portion of their day in front of digital devices, the concern over blue light's impact on skin health is more relevant than ever. 


上海路阳仪器有限公司生产的LUYOR-3480-465nm LED细胞光毒性辐照仪用于蓝光光源进行ros实验,LUYOR-3480微孔板细胞辐照仪能够均匀辐照标准的96孔板,光强度可调,体积小巧,能够放置到细胞培养箱里面长时间辐照。

LUYOR-3480-465nm LED细胞光毒性辐照仪

上图:LUYOR-3480-465nm LED细胞光毒性辐照仪

LUYOR-3480 LED细胞光毒性辐照仪也有365nm紫外波段、525nm绿光波段、660nm红光波段可选,具体波段详情请咨询上海路阳技术工程师。


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