亚美体育入口shanghai fengzhi instrument co,.ltd


作者: 时间:2021-03-24 13:30:44浏览987 次


用于观察荧光的灯不像办公室灯那样通过荧光起作用 - 它们旨在发射高强度的单波段光。例如单波段荧光手电筒和便携式双波段荧光蛋白激发光源,美国nightsea使用高强度发光二极管(LED)。对于电子闪光灯组件,我们提供定制滤光片,仅允许所需的荧光激发波长通过。这些灯的正确术语是"荧光激发光源"或"荧光激发器"。


老师和同学们经常将带激发荧光蛋白发光的灯的称为荧光灯 - 无论是夜间潜水观察海底生物还是在实验室或野外观察荧光蛋白 - 称为"荧光灯"。虽然这没有坏处,但它们不是,我们试图在技术上是正确的。

People often refer to lights for bringing out (exciting) fluorescence – whether for night diving or in the lab or field – as ‘fluorescent lights’. While there is no harm in that, they aren’t, and we try to be technically correct.




美国nightsea 440-460nm蓝光荧光手电筒激发荧光

"荧光灯"是您在办公楼中常见的。之所以这样称呼它们,是因为它们通过荧光发出白光。管子里装满了低压汞蒸气。荧光灯的镇流器输出电压激发汞原子,使它们在特定波长下发出zui大发射的电磁辐射。zui强的发射波长在254nm处,在紫外线下相当低,在365(长波紫外线),405(紫色),436(蓝色)和546(绿色)nm处有较强的输出,还有其他波段的光线。如果允许254nm光从灯中逸出,那将是一件坏事,因为该波长会导致皮肤损伤,白内障和其他问题!该管涂有荧光粉,该荧光粉吸收紫外线并通过荧光将其转换为宽范围的波长。通过改变荧光粉涂层的化学成分,制造商可以调整光谱输出,使"暖白色","冷白色"和其他颜色变化。[附注 - 一些荧光灯管是专门为发射254nm光而制造的紫外线灯管,这些紫外线灯是用于对水和各种表面进行shajun和。

‘Fluorescent lights’ are what you commonly find in office buildings. They are called that because they emit their white light by means of fluorescence. The tubes are filled with a low pressure mercury vapor. The electronics that drive the lamp excite the mercury atoms, causing them to emit electromagnetic radiation with maximum emission at specific wavelengths. The strongest emission is at 254nm, fairly far down in the ultraviolet, with additional lines at 365 (longwave UV), 405 (violet), 436 (blue), and 546 (green) nm, plus additional weaker lines. It would be a bad thing if the 254nm light were allowed to escape the lamp since that wavelength can cause skin damage, cataracts, and other problems! The tube is coated with a phosphor that absorbs the UV light and transforms it to a broad range of wavelengths by fluorescence. By varying the chemical composition of the phosphor coating, manufacturers can adjust the spectral output to make ‘warm white’, ‘cool white’, and other color variations. [Side note – some fluorescent tubes are specifically manufactured to emit the 254nm light, and these are used for sterilizing water and various surfaces.]

用于观察荧光蛋白发荧光的灯不像办公室灯那样通过荧光起作用 - 它们旨在发射高强度的单波段光。例如单波段荧光手电筒和便携式双波段荧光蛋白激发光源,美国nightsea使用高强度发光二极管(LED)。对于电子闪光灯组件,美国nightsea提供定制滤光片,仅允许所需的荧光激发波长通过。这些灯的正确术语是"荧光激发光源"或"荧光激发器"。

The lights for seeing fluorescence do not operate by fluorescence like your office lights – they are designed to cause (excite) other things to fluoresce. For the flashlights and other steady illuminators we use high intensity light-emitting diodes (LEDs). For electronic flash units we provide custom filters that only allow the desired fluorescence excitation wavelengths to pass. A proper terminology for these lights would be ‘fluorescence excitation light’ or ‘fluorescence exciter’, but that’s a mouthful.

亚美体育入口现货供应美国nightsea和美国路阳的荧光手电筒,产品介绍请浏览《LUYOR-3280荧光蛋白观察手电筒》和《美国nightsea Xite-RB荧光手电筒》。

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