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  • 美国UVP UVL-56手提式紫外线灯
  • 美国UVP UVL-56手提式紫外线灯

美国UVP UVL-56手提式紫外线灯

美国UVP UVL-56手提式紫外线灯功率为6瓦,长波365nm。重量轻,有利于手提操作。坚固耐用的塑料外壳。可选择短波紫外线,长波紫外线或短波和长波的双波长紫外组合。长波和短波的双波长模式具有开关可实现波长之间的轻松转换。符合人体工程学设计的手柄。

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美国UVP UVL-56手提式 365nm紫外线灯

上海峰志销售的美国UVP UVL-56手提式紫外线灯功率为6瓦,长波365nm。重量轻,有利于手提操作。坚固耐用的塑料外壳。可选择短波紫外线,长波紫外线或短波和长波的双波长紫外组合。长波和短波的双波长模式紫外灯具有开关可实现波长之间的轻松转换。符合人体工程学设计的手柄。轻量级的手提灯,方便满足各种测试需求操作。 美国UVP UVL-56手持式紫外线灯功率为6瓦,长波365nm,手提式紫外灯具有符合人体工程学设计的手柄,操作更便携。手持式紫外灯可提供长波、中波、短波或者长波和短波的双波长组合。

UVP UVL-56 Handheld 365 nm UV Lamps 

Lamps are lightweight for easy handling

Durable plastic housing

Six watt tubes

Models available with shortwave (254 nm), midrange (302 nm), longwave (365 nm) UV or a combination shortwave/longwave (254/365 nm) version

Combination shortwave/longwave version comes with a snap-on wavelength selector for switching between wavelengths

Product Details

Lamps are lightweight for easy handling

Handheld UV Lamps (6 watts) are uniquely designed with an ergonomically designed handle. Select from longwave, midrange, shortwave or combination longwave and shortwave in the same lamp.

Applications include:




General Chemical Laboratory


美国UVP UVL-56手提式紫外线灯功率为6瓦,长波365nm主要特点:

• 功率为6W

• 重量轻,有利于手提操作

• 坚固耐用的塑料外壳

• 可选择短波紫外线,长波紫外线或短波和长波的双波长紫外组合。 

• 长波和短波的双波长模式具有开关可实现波长之间的轻松转换。 

• 符合人体工程学设计的手柄。轻量级的手提灯,方便满足各种测试需求操作。



• 功率:6W 

• 波长:长波365nm 

• 外壳:塑料外壳 

• 尺寸:378×81×64mm 

• 灯架:247x330mm(灯架为选购件)


型号 货号 功率/波长 可替换灯管
UVG-54 95-0004-10 6W,254nm,手提短波紫外线灯 34-0013-01
UVGL-55 95-0005-06





UVGL-58 95-0007-06 6W,2UV,254nm/365nm,手提双波长紫外灯


UVL-56 95-0006-03 6W,365nm,手提长波紫外灯


UVM-57 95-0104-02 6W,302nm,手提中波紫外线灯 34-0044-01


选购配件 货号 描述
迷你紫外观察箱 95-0072-01 C-10
紫外防护眼镜 98-0002-06 UVC-305
紫外防护面罩 98-0002-04 UVC-803
紫外灯管 34-0013-01 6W,254nm
紫外灯管 34-0034-01 6W,365nm
紫外灯管 34-0044-01 6W,302nm
J-129 98-0016-03 LampStand,灯架
J-130 98-0017-03 灯支架



长波紫外线,峰值波长:365nm ,波长范围:320-400nm

• 实验室/研究


• 教育:荧光实证分析等。

• 工业:无损检测,UV固化,磁粉探伤,渗透探伤,脱脂检查,涂料检验等。

• 犯罪:检测篡改的证件,jia币检测,签名验证,法医学应用,编码/标记,zong火调查,实验室测试等。

• 电子:洁净室检验,环氧涂层,质量控制检验等。

• 其他:美术考古学,昆虫学,集邮,重新接纳控制,矿物学等。

• 汽车:泄漏检测,挡风玻璃修复等。

中波紫外线,峰值波长:312nm,302nm ,波长范围:280-320nm

• 研究:凝胶电泳,凝胶查看,光学实验室测量等。

• 工业:UV固化,梯度采样,太阳能实验等。

• :彩光,皮肤病等。

• 其他:矿物学,艺术博物馆检验等。

短波紫外线,峰值波长:254nm ,波长范围:200-280nm

• 犯罪:文件检验,现场线索,zong火调查,毒理学等。

• 教育:荧光实证分析等。

• 实验室/研究:氟化学,水星探测器,光学校正,农药分析,聚合物固化,灭菌, DNA分析,生化测试,电泳,TLC,真菌可视化,光化学,照片离异等。

• 其他:大肠杆菌测试,氧化铝试验,考古学,荧光摄影,矿物学,集邮等。

UVP Compact and Handheld Lamps, Analytik Jena

UVP Compact and Handheld Ultraviolet Lamps use UV wavelengths which are an essential multipurpose tools for laboratory applications. The lamps are lightweight and ergonomically designed for handheld use.

Longwave (365 nm) can be used for bacterial identification, inspection, specimen staining and titration processes, gel electrophoresis, thin layer chromatography, visualization of DNA and RNA and fluorescence of other materials are among the applications

UVP Compact Lamps feature 4 W intensity format and the UVP Hanndheld Lamps utilize a higher 6 W intensity.

For applications requiring all three UV wavelength the patented UVP 3UV™ Multi-Wavelength Lamp, houses multiple wavelengths: longwave, shortwave and midrange (254/302/365 nm UV) in one lamp for multiple applications.

UVP Fraud Detection Lamps use longwave ultraviolet light to check the authenticity of signatures, documents, tickets, passports, credit cards and currency. The lamp is a cost-effective solution to security problems. Invisible inks or altered documents will fluoresce for visibility. The lamp is used for instant document verification, detection of forged documents, currency and signatures.

Shortwave (254 nm) can be used for sterilization/germicidal, DNA/RNA fluorescence and analysis, photochemistry and more.

Certificaciones: CSA certified. CE compliant.

Información accesorios: Additional accessories available:

Use the compact lamps with optional J-124 lamp stand for hands free operation. Handheld lamps can be used with the optional J-129 lamp stand for hands free operation.

Mount the lamps onto the optional C-10 Viewing Cabinet which provides a darkened environment for viewing or exposing samples with UV.

Información para pedidos: One year warranty.

Precaución: Eye and face protection is essential for anyone working with UV sources which can cause burning to unprotected eyes and skin. Eyewear blocks wavelengths from 200 - 400 nm. Spectacles are made of impact resistant polycarbonate with top and side shield design. Goggles feature lightweight design and flexible rubber trim. Air vents allow air flow. Faceshield covers the entire face and neck area.

Goggles and faceshield comply with ANSI specifications for eye and face protection.
